Saturday, August 23, 2008

Writing is EXCITING!

Yeah, I know - you may be one of those folks who struggle to properly use the written word. Well, don't feel aren't alone by any means, in fact, most people who don't write for a living find this skill to be wanting.

But that can change. What if I told you that I'm going to put up a Website devoted to improving YOUR ability to write? What if I placed an absolute TON of templates on this site that cover just about every conceivable writing project? And what if I took those templates apart to show you exactly how you can use them to create your own articles, stories or even a novel?

Are you interested? Would that be something you could use to good advantage? I thought so!

OK, the writing Website is just a project on my drawing board but, it is well thought out and doable in the near future. Watch this site for an example template or two that will show you what I'm planning to create and how it can benefit your writing.

The Website will be a work in progress that you'll be able to access on a continuous basis in order to utilize each new template as I create it.

The Webineer

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